Enhancing Regulatory Compliance for Pharma Clients

Creating an interface to help System Administrators configure exports to comply with the specific legal authorities.


Compliance with regulatory authorities such as the FDA and MHRA is paramount in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. System administrators often face challenges configuring and managing exports to meet these stringent requirements. To address this, I designed an interface to aid system administrators in visualizing, configuring, and managing exported reports, ensuring seamless compliance with regulatory authorities.

This interface aimed to:

  • Visualize exported reports

  • Allow customization of report sections

  • Automate report scheduling

  • Integrate secure API connections

  • Manage execution of exports

  • Track sent reports for compliance monitoring


  • Elizaveta Verlova - Product Owner

  • Daniyar Alimbetov - Senior Software Engineer

  • Shariq Haque - Senior Software Engineer


  • Figma

  • Confluence

  • Maze

My Impact

Clients could ensure 100% compliance with regulatory authorities from start to finish, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties due to automated and accurate reporting.

System administrators saved time by automating report generation and scheduling.

Centralized management of all export processes simplified the administrative burden. Real-time tracking and visualization allowed for quick identification and resolution of issues.


By developing an interface tailored to the specific needs of pharmaceutical and healthcare clients, we significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory compliance processes. This tool enabled system administrators to manage exports more easily, ensuring that their organizations remained compliant with regulatory authorities such as the FDA and MHRA. The result was enhanced compliance and improved operational efficiency and data security, making it a valuable asset for any organization in these highly regulated industries.