Improving Search Experience

How I helped MarketLogic Software clients reduce their time finding what they need, so they could see the value of the platform.


Market Logic Software is a B2B SaaS enterprise platform for knowledge management. The search experience is a core module for Market Logic clients.

Personalization and limited predefined filters are vital features. The iterative process, from research to deployment, ensured continuous improvement based on user feedback, delivering a streamlined solution for quick and relevant information access.

Due to confidentiality reasons, I have omitted specific values and UI details.

Enterprise Software

Market Logic Software



  • Figma

  • Dovetail

  • Figjam

  • Maze

  • MixPanel

The challenges

Users have problems finding and using information.

The filters provided are too complex and not easily understandable.

My Impact

Improved stickiness in the platform = less churn

Users found the needed content faster than the original design

Content prioritization according to user profile improved engagement rates


  • The platform now has a better search experience that’s user-friendly and efficient. Users are likelier to stick with us because they can easily find their needs.

  • The new design lets users refine their searches to get more relevant results. No more sifting through stuff they don’t need.

  • We’ve given users more control with custom filters for the different user types. Their searches can match their preferences, making their experience more personal.

  • The new filters speed up searches according to user type. Users don’t have to waste time scrolling through irrelevant results.

  • We simplified things by showing the most critical options, reducing confusion.