Telemedicine for Chronic Patients

How I designed the end-to-end user experience of an e-health product for chronic diabetes patients, enabling efficient engagement with healthcare professionals for essential support in disease management.


The client was interested in solving the healthcare access problem, primarily in Romania. Patients' main problems were finding the right doctor for their condition and feeling safe and in control of their disease. Doctors' main problems were finding ways to manage patient data and not lose time per consultation.

The project was developed using a continuous discovery-delivery approach. It started by getting to know the competitors and developing user personas, user flows, and wireframes tested multiple times to provide a solution covering the most important initially stated issues.

The project deliveries also included the public webpage, design system documentation, component structure, and brand design.



  • Figma

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Maze

  • Miro

My Impact

Crafted a complete creative strategy that helped the startup business model.

Improved task completion rates through multiple design iterations.

Ensured a cohesive and enjoyable experience for users, regardless of their device.

The process

Working with the client, we defined the most important competitors and structured our user personas and journey.


After the first statements, we started with sketching, low-fidelity ideation, idea analysis, high-fidelity wireframes ready for user testing, and coming up with innovative ways to create the experience.

Usability Testing

I conducted usability testing sessions on Maze with doctors and patients to validate the initial design and hypotheses. I analyzed the findings and made further amendments to the wireframes, mainly in the availability calendar and search sections. The KPIs evaluated were ease of navigation, task completion, success rate, and time on task.

Brand & visual design

For the brand and stylesheet, I focused on health and healing colors, the brand already had a logo based on green and blue, so the idea was to start with these primary colors and mix them with a lighter and more brilliant pallette. Our focus is always to have the contrast difference when applying paint.

From prototypes to component library

The project had three iterations, working under Agile sprints. We started with material design components and then redesigned some custom components for the specific use cases needed. After finishing the MVP, we focused on creating the Figma components to start the library, tokens for posterior design system development, and Design documentation in Confluence.

The High-fidelity results

Here, you can see all the experience on the desktop. The project also contemplated updating the current website with the new brand image and specific information for doctors and patients, allowing Dianurse to be seen more as the go-to for Diabetic patients in their life quality improvement.


  • I helped create a preferred product for chronic diabetes patients, enabling efficient engagement with health coaches for essential support in disease management.

  • Remote usability testing produced excellent results, with tangible outcomes for necessary changes. The metrics we could track through both iterations (from wireframes to Hi-fi prototypes) were significantly impacted by the changes we decided to make to the handoff files and implementation.

  • Stakeholder feedback was positive across the business, extending the scope and length of the current contract. 

  • Through iterative design and testing, I improved task completion by 25-30% when searching for a doctor and booking an appointment for the patient profile, and by 15-25% when adding calendar availability and a prescription for the doctor profile. 

  • Dianurse design system provides a shared library of reusable components and guidelines for any device. It will help scale the product much faster and keep upgrading and extending the app library.